Online Bible Institute

Anthropology and Eschatology (Third Millennium)


You will need to log in and sign up to the Third Mill Institute in order to receive a course completion certificate which is one of our course requirements.  You can login by clicking here Third Mill Institute.

Course Description:

The Anthropology and Eschatology Course consists of two parts. Theological Studies Part 4a – What is Man? and Theological Studies Part 4b – Your Kingdom Come. You are required to complete both parts to complete the Anthropology and Eschatology Course.

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the doctrine of man. In every culture throughout history, people have asked questions such as, “Who are we?” and “Why are we here?” The Bible tells us that we are God’s images, created to rule over creation on his behalf and to turn the world into his earthly kingdom. Sin has damaged us and complicated our work, but by God’s grace in Christ, we can be restored and our work can be completed. This course is based on the lecture series, What is Man?, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Greg Perry with contributions from a variety of professors.

Goals and Objectives


In this course, we would like to accomplish the following:

1. We hope you will make use of all the instruction elements of the course to understand man’s origin, composition and purpose, explore the origin of sin and its consequences, and examine humanity’s covenant relationship to God.

2. We hope you will develop a greater love and appreciation for man as you learn more about him.

3. We hope your greater understanding of man will lead to changes in your life, especially in the way you treat others and in your attitude toward yourself.


When you have done the following, it will show that the goals are met:

1. Obtain satisfactory grades on the tests, demonstrating that you can do the following: a) identify the biblical teachings about the origin of man, his composition, and his purpose, b) identify the biblical teachings about the origin of sin, its meaning, and its consequences, c) identify the aspects of God’s covenant with man, the work of Christ as mediator, and the unique character of each stage of its administration.

2. Answer the application questions in the study guides, expressing how you treat others.

Thematic Outline of the Course

1. In the Beginning
2. The Image of God
3. The Curse of Sin
4. The Covenant of Grace

Explanation of Assignments

The Multimedia Lessons

1. Study the lessons, watching the video, listening to the audio, or reading the text.
2. Complete the study guides for each lesson. These study guides will prepare you for the online quizzes and help you apply the teachings of the lesson to your own life. (For those students associated with a particular institution wishing to track the completion of the completion of the Study Guides, a drop box has been provided at the end of the course.)
3. Take the online quizzes on each section of the lessons. The quizzes may be taken as many times as you want, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade will be from the first attempt.
4. Optional: We recommend that you look through the glossaries and use the learning games to become familiar with special names and technical terms used in the lessons. 
5. Take the cumulative test for each complete lesson. You may take the test again as many times as you want for review, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade is from the first attempt.
6. When you have finished all the lessons on the multimedia lectures, take the final exam on the lectures.

Course Requirements:

1. You must complete each lesson in the course.  After you complete the requirements for a lesson/session, go to the Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 75 words.  These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.

2. After completing all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write a 750 word paper on three things that have impacted you during the course and submit it using the Completed Coursework Upload form. At the Bachelor’s Degree Level, your paper must be well-written.

Click here if you need information on How to Write a PaperYour forum posts can be helpful in writing your paper.

3. Once you complete a course with a satisfactory grade at Third MIll Institute (IIIM), you can print out a certificate for yourself and then you need to email us a copy so we can record it as a completed course in your school record.

Third Mill Institute Course Link:

Theological Studies Part 4a – What is Man?

When you have completed Theological Studies Part 4a, you must also complete Theological Studies Part 4b – Your Kingdom Come

Theological Studies Part 4b – Your Kingdom Come

Course Description

The topic of eschatology, or the end times, has fascinated people for centuries, but what does the Bible say about this extraordinary subject? What future has God planned for his creation and his people? In this series, we examine what the Scriptures teach about the last days, including a variety of challenging topics, such as the afterlife, the general resurrection, and the consummation of Christ’s messianic kingdom in the new heavens and new earth. This course is based on the lecture series, Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Matt Friedeman with contributions from a variety of professors.

Goals and Objectives


In this course, we would like to accomplish the following:

1. We hope the student will be able to trace God’s goal for creation throughout history.

2. We hope the student will know how to describe the present, intermediate and final states of human beings.

3. We hope that the student will explore the final events of history surrounding Christ’s return and the new creation.


When you have done the following, it will show that the goals are met:

1. Obtain satisfactory grades on the automatically graded elements of the course, demonstrating that you can: a) identify key information about the goal of creation, b) express the Bible’s teaching on the afterlife, c) communicate the various biblical ideas concerning Christ’s return, and d) identify the biblical teachings on the last events of history that will finally end this age and fully consummate the age to come.

2. Complete the study guides, essay questions, journal questions, and other assignments of the course in which you assimilate the information and express your own responses and opinions regarding the topics of eschatology and show how you have applied the teachings of the course to your own life.

Thematic Outline of the Course

1. The Goal of Creation

2. The Living and the Dead

3. The Coming of The King

4. The End of the Age

Explanation of Assignments

The Multimedia Lessons

1. Study the lessons, watching the video, listening to the audio, or reading the text.
2. Complete the study guides for each lesson. These study guides will prepare you for the online quizzes and help you apply the teachings of the lesson to your own life. (For those students associated with a particular institution wishing to track the completion of the completion of the Study Guides, a drop box has been provided at the end of the course.)
3. Take the online quizzes on each section of the lessons. The quizzes may be taken as many times as you want, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade will be from the first attempt.
4. Optional: We recommend that you look through the glossaries and use the learning games to become familiar with special names and technical terms used in the lessons. 
5. Take the cumulative test for each complete lesson. You may take the test again as many times as you want for review, but you must wait five days between each attempt, and the official grade is from the first attempt.
6. When you have finished all the lessons on the multimedia lectures, take the final exam on the lectures.

Course Requirements:

1. You must complete each lesson in the course.  After you complete the requirements for a lesson/session, go to the Activity Feed and post a comment about something that interested or impacted you as you worked through the lesson. Your comment needs to be well thought out and at least 75 words.  These posts will be counted as part of the writing requirement for the course so please write well thought out comments on what you are learning in the lesson. Please start your comment by referring to the course name and session or lesson number of the course. You also need to post comments on two other students recent comments on courses they are currently taking.

2. After completing all of the lessons in the course, you will need to write a 750 word paper on three things that have impacted you during the course and submit it using the Completed Coursework Upload form. At the Bachelor’s Degree Level, your paper must be well-written.

Click here if you need information on How to Write a PaperYour forum posts can be helpful in writing your paper.

3. Once you complete a course with a satisfactory grade at Third MIll Institute (IIIM), you can print out a certificate for yourself and then you need to email us a copy so we can record it as a completed course in your school record.

Third Mill Institute Course Link:

Theological Studies Part 4b – Your Kingdom Come